What is a homologous chromosomeand how is it different from a chromotid? How do the chromosomes know whichside of the line they should be on to split? Whydoesn’t each gamete cell contain 23 pairs of chromosomes?
Some of the questions we anticipate the students asking are as follows: We expect students to havedifficulty with the process of meiosis. Students will be acquainted with the terms DNA, genes,chromosomes and Students will have an understanding of mitosis and the processof mitosis inī. Students will be able to identify and differentiatebetween a somatic cell and aĪ. Students will be able to describe the differences between ahaploid cell andĬ. Students will describe the steps in the process of meiosisī. Students will understand thatmeiosis takes place in specialized cells in theĪ. Students will understand the process of meiosis in the geneticvariation ofī. Halfof the genetic information comes from the father and half from the motherĪ. Hereditaryinformation is contained within genes Understandideas about reproduction and hereditary Incorrect gamete formation in Punnett Squares
Separation of sister chromatids (meiosis II)Ĭ. Separation of homologous chromosomes (meiosis I)ī.
Student Misconceptions based on the research :Ī. Teachers: Joy Paul, Joy Bryson, Kathleen Tait, and PaulMcNally